Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan

I have created a contingency plan so if something goes wrong during filming we will know what to do. This is very useful because we will be prepared for mot situations and if for example someone gets injured we will know who to call. 

Bad Weather

This had the highest chance of occurring during filming. Since I was filming with expensive equipment it was very important that I was looking after it. If it started raining during filming there is a high chance that the camera would break. Therefore we arranged filming based on the weather forecast. However for some of my shots I did need it to be darker and cloudy. Therefore we made sure that we have finished that days filming before it started raining. However if we haven`t finished filming I have planned a few shots that we could use the rainy weather for however they were not essentials for my music video therefore i wouldn't have gone out of my way to film them. Moreover I also made sure that in case it starts we will have somewhere to go if it starts raining so the camera and us wont get wet. We also made sure that we had a bag with us that we can out the camera in. 

Image result for bad weather


There is not a high chance of any injury occurring during filming. However if did occur we all knew the number of Emergency therefore we all could call them if one of us was not able to. Therefore we always made sure that all of us had a phone us so we can contact each other whatever happens. Moreover if the injury is not going to be big, we had each others parents as well so we can contact them if we need to. We also checked before filming where the nearest hospital is if its an emergency and how well we have to be prepared. 

Image result for injury

Unavailability of filming location 

This luckily would not be a big problem for us because we have searched all of the locations where we were going to film and it was legal for us to film there as they were all public places. However if it was not ok then we would find alternative locations to film that would also fit the story of the music video. There was one time when we were filming inside a shop and we had to ask the employees if it was ok for us to film. They said yes and we tried to exclude the logo of the shop just in case its going to get taken down for copyrights. However during the editing process I have decided not to use the footage as it didn`t fit into the video as much as I would have thought. Prior to filming I tried to make sure that my video wont require any special locations where it`s harder to film. 

Image result for no trespassing

In case one of the actors in the video got ill, we would have moved the date of the filming until everyone was fine. It was very important that everyone during filming wasn`t ill because it was a long process and if they get sick it can lead to serious problems after. If one us did get ill towards the deadline, I would have asked my teacher to extend the deadline by a day or two so the person ill would feel better. This issue had a small chance of occuring, but it had to be trated carefully and had to be taken into consideration. 

Illustration av kvinna i sjuksäng



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