The Shot List

The Shot List 

In this post I explain what are the type of shots that I am going to use and why. For some of the basic shots I have just explained it briefly as there isn`t much to talk about. I have also included a example of each with a picture. 

Extreme long shot 

This is the type of shot that is used when a characters is made to look small in their location. I am going to use this type of shot to represent how big the world is and how small humans actually are even though how big they sometimes act. I am going to use this in all of the locations that I`m filming at as it will help the music video set the vibe and the atmosphere. 

Ultimate Guide To Camera Shots - Extreme Long Shot High Angle In The Revenant

Above is an example of a extreme long. It is recognisable as the character is usually bare visible and there is more focus on the surrounding environment. Also, usually the camera is above the characters which makes it feel like we are looking down on the characters.

Long shot / Wide shot

A long shot aka the wide shot, gives the perfect view of the characters fully body. It gives a great amount of space below the legs and above the head. This shot is very useful when a lot of focus needs to be put on the character which is very useful for me because my music video is character based. It also gives a good idea to the viewer about the location of the character. 

Ultimate Guide To Camera Shots - Long Shot Wide Shot With Good Negative Space
Ultimate Guide To Camera Shots - Long Shot Road To Perdition

In the two pictures above are two examples of long / wide shots. The character is usually in the middle. This conveys that the character is still the focus of the shot but more emphasis in the surrounding. 

Mid Shot 
Image result for mid shot

This shows the artist from his/her waist to head, and focuses mainly on the subject but still giving an impression of the location/setting. This puts much more focus on the artist and less on the background. 

Medium close up 

This is a mix of the mid shot and the close up ans it focuses on from chest to head      

Image result for medium close up shot

Close up

It usually shows the artists face or a object that the character is holding. It can be anything that the camera focuses on. 

Image result for close up shot

Extreme close up 

This shows a particular feature of the artists face for example the eyes, nose etc. It is used to get a effect out of the audience by conveying emotions and feelings through seeing them close. 
Image result for extreme close up shot

Over the shoulder shot

This type of shot is usually used in the conceptual music videos as it usually displays a character talking to another. The shoulder shot usually conveys the character is talking to someone or looking at something. This type of shot I will use for the interaction between the rich and the poor. 

Image result for over the shoulder shot

Cut in

This type of shot is very common and is usually used to visualise a very specific lyric from the song. For example what the artist is singing is what the camera shows. For example if the artists sings `I have money` the shot focuses on the money of the artist to show they actually have it, They shots are usually very short as there isnt a lot of focus on them. This is also very similar to a extreme close up as it focuses on a particular part of a object. The difference is that cut ins focus on a object whereas extreme close ups focus on characters. This is a type of shot I`m definitely going to use when I present the rich man and his wealth. 

Image result for cut in shot


This is a type of shot that is not that common and places the camera angle to the same eye level as the characters. This showcases high levels of reality as it presents the characters in a much more human like way. This is how we would expect to see them in real life. 
Image result for eye level shot

High Angle

This is where the camera is above the character showing them as less powerful and less significant. This is definitely a shot that I will use when i showcase the poor men in my video and how we as the audience look down on him as we are above him in society. 

Image result for high angle shot

Low angle 

This is opposite to the high angle and it showcases the character in a much more powerful way. Almost God like. This I will use to present the rich man as rich people believe they can do anything and look down on everyone as well as the audience. 

Image result for low angle shot

Birds Eye

This is a shot that I might not use as it is much harder to do and need more special equipment for it that might not be available at the time of the filming. This shot is when the camera angle is directly above the character and gives us a view of something that the character cant see. This is used to show situations in a different way that we might not have seen yet. 
Image result for birds eye shot music videos


This on the other hand is a shot I am very likely to use as its simple and can have a massive dramatic effect. It is also known as the Dutch angle. It is when the camera angle focuses on one side of the horizon creating a interesting dramatic effect. This usually showcases a character thinking about somethiing. 
Image result for slanted shot music video


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