Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent 

Story line

The story line of my video is based around 2 main characters of different backgrounds. One of them is homeless and the other one is rich. These two different people represent two different backgrounds and themes. The aim of the song is to show how people sometimes don`t appreciate the little joys in life, for example finding some money on the floor. Large parts of the story includes showing those two characters in their natural environment. For example walking down the street. Another major theme in my music video is hope. For example how he finds the £1 and finds hope in his future and will succeed. It’s going to suggests that it doesn’t matter how bad things are going, you can still turn your situation around.  


There are a number of shots that I am going to use in order to get the biggest variety that I canI will try arranging my shots for my video so that they will look more special and not like a usual music video. I will also try to use more high and low angle shots as they represent the characters place in the hierarchy. A low angle will be used for the rich man as its going to make the viewer feel like he`s looking down on us. The opposite effect will be created with the high angle on the homeless man as the shot is going to create the impression that we are looking down in him. I will also use extreme wide shots as well to show the scenery. This will be vital in my music video as it will help me build the atmosphere in my music video.


Since the sing I choose is a R&B song I will try to follow the conventions of a R&B music video. Since my song is also very slow I will try to make it look moody. Another major convention of R&B music videos is the use of grey scale. It`s very likely that I will use it as it will massively help us build on the atmosphere of the song. Even though I will follow the conventions of the music videos I will try not to use any of the stereotypes of R&B music videos.


For my music video there were a few props that I have used. I have used my watch, plastic cups and a few clothes that we had to get dirty. For example a plain white t-short which we then made muddy so it will look like it’s been worn a lot. I also had some shoes that have already been dirt so we could use that as well. These are the main that have been used for the homeless man. For the rich man we have used one of the actor’s jacket and shirt so it would suit him. We also had my watch for him as well. There weren`t that many other props that we have used.


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