

In this post I have created a Mind map where I included pictures that have inspired my music video and have helped me create new ideas in my video. It was important that I created this because it helped me sum up all of the imagery that I wanted to put into my video, therefore I wont forget any of it. 

There are about 4 main themes in the mind map. The first one is the artist himself and what his beliefs were. Childish Gambino has a lot of social messages behind his music videos as well as his songs. Therefore I have included pictures of him as well as his album where the song is from. There is also a picture of the lyrics that are in the song which is useful because it helps me to stay focused to the topic in the song. The second theme I have is the genre itself. Zombies is a r&b song. This is important for me to remember when I plan the shots that I`m going to. Since the song is slow I will use the characteristics of a slow r&b music video. This includes longer shots and less movement in the video.  The third theme I had was the main theme and had the most influence on my video. For example, a number of shots included were similar to the ones I had. The imagery of a dirty shoe in my video was inspired by the picture in my story board. Moreover the shot of the homeless man in the street in the blanket was also inspired by the picture in my story board. 


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