Location Report

Location Report 

For my locations I will have a number different locations that will bring a different vibe in each scene. I will do this to deliver the vibe that I have imagined for my music video. Therefore I will try to have locations that are contrasting like the woods and a city. 

Wendover Woods:The woods I will have as a location because it will create a very melancholic and isolated atmosphere. The woods is a perfect location for this because there aren`t a lot of people there and when we film it wont disrupt anyone. Moreover there won`t be any random people in the video that shouldn't`t be in it. This reduces the chance of people potentially ruining the music video. The reason why I choose to film in Wendover Woods is because it`s close to my house therefore I can access it very easily. This will be useful when there is one shot that`s missing or didn't get shot right and we have to go back to the location for one extra shot. The drawback to this location is that  there are a lot of potential risks. Some of these include rain which makes the walk slippery,  

Some of the exact locations in High Wycombe are going to be outside of the shops where people walk past as well as any locations where a lot of people are going to be which makes the music video more realistic with all the people in them. 

Image result for wendover woods

- High Wycombe: In High Wycombe I`m planning to film the scenes where the wealthy man walks down and ignores the homeless. This scene is going to include a lot of people walking past and ignoring him. The reason why I chose this location is because it`s the closest location to my house that is busy. This allows me to get filming done quicker as I will have to travel less to the location. Another alternative was London. The reason why I dropped this idea is because it is expensive to get the train to London and also it takes a lot of time. The drawback of not doing that idea is that filming in High Wycombe is not going to be as cinematic. Another benefit is that people that are in my video live in High Wycombe and therefore it will be easier for them to access the location.   
Image result for high wycombe  

The benefits of only filming at these two locations is that it will be simple to complete the risk assessment. Therefore I can get to film faster as completing the risk assessment will be quicker. Moreover there wont be many locations that I`m going to go to. This makes filming the music video easier overall.  This will give me more time to edit the video which can improve the overall quality. 

There is potential that there will be new locations that I might use for that I don`t know yet as I might have new ideas when I actually film the music video. Some of these new locations might be just a normal streets where characters are walking down. These filler shots can be used to experiment with new types of shots for example panorama. 

One of the potential locations I was going to do was a shop which had a lot of expensive clothing and jewellery in it but the idea had to be dropped as getting permission from the brands is a very lengthy and problematic process. In this location the rich man would`ve walked into the shop and would`ve just looked around to all the stuff he could afford. This location would`ve been House of Fraser's in High Wycombe. 
Image result for gucci shop

Another major location in High Wycombe that is going to be in the video is different alleyways. This will be significant as this will show the home of the homeless person in the music video. There is a potential that some of these shots might even be taken at night to show the homeless mans struggles of finding shelter. On the other hand if we do decide to film at night, it will be much harder as the people needed for the video are going to have to stay around for longer which means it depends on them if they are available. A major advantage of alleyways is that there aren`t many people in them that walk past therefore filming is going to be uninterrupted and much easier. This allows us not to waste time and shots which makes filming more effective and quicker. Some of the scenes that are going to take place in the alleyway are the homeless man trying to eat and sleep as well as trying to stay warm. 

Image result for alleyway


  1. Very nice and informational post for your location report, this gives people a real insight to the locations and scenes in your video.


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