The timeline of my Planning

The timeline/ Planning  

In this post I will prioritise all of the things that I will have to do. I also try to put them in order of importance therefore I will get a rough idea of when should I finish each part. The reason why I created this post is because it allows me to check how much I have to do as well as what are the other things I have to do as well. It will allow me to prioritise the parts of my project. I will also be able to use it as a checklist so I will know what I have done. In the list below I will list all of the tasks that I will have to carry out in the next few weeks. Therefore I will not include stuff that I will have to do later on, such as listing all the different types of shots that I will have to do. 


Location report: In my location report i will talk about the different locations where I will film at. It is important that I do this because it allows me to think through all of the locations where I will have to go and then plan at what times I can manage to get it done.    


Casting: In this task I will ask the people who wanted a part in my video to do a audition where I can decide if they are suitable for my video or not. This will not be a long process as I will not need a lot of people for my video. 


Storyboard: In my story board i will have a rough idea of my story and what shots I will present them in. This will be very important as this will provide the framework of the future building.       


Peer assessment: In my peer assessment I will talk about my music video with my class mates where we discuss the different aspects and features. The reason why I will leave this late is becuase I need to complete other tasks in order to be able to talk about it. 


Filming:The reason why I`m leaving this untill the end is because to be able to start filming I`m going to have to plan everything perfectly so when I actually start filming I will have a good idea of what I`m going to have to do. This allows me to save time filming as I wont have to get ideas when I actually get to the location to film. 


Editing: This will be the last thing I will have to do for my project because I will have to finish filming in order to be able to start editing. If I finish editing I will also be done with my music video. 


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