Music genre research

My chosen music genre

In order to choose which genre of music i want to do I have conducted a questionnaire which will hopefully help me decide what genre of music I want to do my music video in. I have come up with 10 questions in which I ask people about what their preferred genre of music is and what genre of music they would like to go mainstream. 

Above is a picture of a blank questionnaire which I have created. 

This is one of the questionnaires that I gave out. Some people didn`t answer to question four as some people don`t have a favourite music video. Therefore in my graphs that I will create based on the information I will not include that question. The reason why i still put that question in the questionnaire is because I was interested to see, what kind of music videos has the biggest impact on people. For example if the music video they choose as their favourite has a secret message or they are just a normal video, that just tries to visualize the song. It was good to see that most people put music videos that are more unique than a normal music video. 

Question 1

For the first question I have asked people what they think is the most successful music genre right now. This means what music genre is played in the radio the most, what music genre creates the most conversations and what genre`s albums sell the most. In all of the questionnaires I have received every one put rap/hip hop which was expected. This shows it`s very obvious how rap and hip hop took over the music industry and how it became mainstream.   

Question 2 & 3

Since question 2 and 3 are very similar I have decided to analyse them together. I have asked this questions because I wanted to find out if people`s favourite genre matches with what they want to see become mainstream. Most of the people who filled out the questionnaire choose rap/hip hop which proved that they are happy that it`s the most mainstream genre. 

Question 5 & 6
The reason why I asked this question is because I wanted to find out if people care about hidden meanings in music videos. Luckily everyone put `yes` for this question which has convinced me to try to put a hidden meaning in mine as well. I have combined question 5 and 6 because they are also similar. I haven`t put them in the same question because if a music video has a deeper meaning it doesn`t mean it has a social message. For both questions most people put yes which proves if the video has different meanings it improves on the quality. 

Question 7
In this question I asked people how much they get affected by music videos and if the meaning behind the video is impactful or not. I have asked this question to see how useful would it be if the music video had a strong vibe that can have a longer lasting effect on the viewer. 

Question 8 & 9 
In question 8 I have asked people if they think the content of music videos has developed over time. Moreover in question 9 i have asked people if they think music videos are a bigger part of music than before. I have asked these two questions together because they are both about the importance of music videos. For both questions the answers were yes which showed that since more effort is put into music videos nowadays they play a bigger part in music. 

The last question I have not analysed because its everyone personal choice. Moreover the answer to that question wont have any reflection in my chosen music genre. On the other hand most of the people choose r&b for that questions. This makes me want to make r&b music videos



  1. Great work Dom. To improve could you please add in some stats, which show us how many people roughly watch this genre of music video?

    1. Yes, I will try to create a graph for my results.


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