My Mood Board

                            My Mood Board

I have created a Prezi which is identifying the the differences of music videos within each genre of music.I have created a mood board for each genre of music which mainly focuses of one artists and its inspirations.

There are a number of things about my Prezi mood board that i liked:
- Every genres mood board had a different vibe to it
- They all showed the different inspirations for the artists that i choose and this gives background on the style of the artists

There were also stuff that i didn't like about my mood board:
- For some genres i could`ve used more pictures to get more background on the artist and the era they were active in
-  For some artist it was really hard because they have been active in music for a long time. For example in the soul genre

For the Rock section i have chosen Pink Floyd. In their mood board i have used a lot of their album covers as they were very iconic. Mainly their `The Dark Side of the Moon` cover which has also been called the best album that has ever been made. I also included pictures of their concerts which they were also famous for. They have represented the vibe of their albums. as well as the visuals tried to create a 3D version of the album cover. Their concerts very atmospheric and made you feel like you are inside the album.Pink Floyd has created a number of albums that is considered a classic including the `Dark Side of the Moon` and `The Wall`.

For my Reggae section i have created my mood board for Bob Marley who was a cultural icon. In his mood board i have included numerous pictures of him playing a guitar as they were a vital part of his art and how he perfected his music. Moreover his hair was often exaggerated in a number of posters as it was iconic as well. He had a enormous influence on other Reggae artists with his laid back and chilled style.

In my Rap section I have included a number of pictures of artists that had a effect on Kendrick Lamar`s music. His music videos always took a different angle of his music and they gave a different context to the song or they have built on the existing theme featured within the song. There were a number of pictures of artists which included Eminem, who really inspired Kendrick to make his music videos outstanding and to make them better than anyone else`s. Most of his music videos are directed by David Mayers and the Little Homies which includes Kendrick himself and his close friends. This is the reason why every single one of his videos look professional and very high quality. Kendrick Lamar was hugely influenced by the all time greats which include 2Pac, The Notorious B.I.G. and Nas. He was also influenced by OLD Rap groups such as N.W.A and the Wu tang Clan. This is what inspired him to create his won group called the Black Hippy`s. This includes him and his label mates which are Schoolboy Q, Jay Rock and Ab-Soul.

Beyonce`s mood board from the r&b section included pictures of her and Jay Z, her husband. I have used a lot of pictures of them together because her relationship with him has influenced a lot of her albums including her self-titled album and her latest album Lemonade which was one of her critically most successful album. I have also included a picture of Kendrick Lamar as Beyonce said in a interview she was very much influenced from his take on music and how they stand out from other rival artists. In her music videos she often uses metaphors to deliver what she wants to say. This gives another level of deepness to her music which is why some of her songs are still played today. This is also shown in the title of her latest album which was called `Lemonade`. There are a lot of different amplifications to what it actually means as well as the album cover can be interpreted in a number of ways.

In my Pop section the mood board is much more simple as Ed Sheeran`s music and his music videos are much more simpler and are centered around the same theme which is Love. He has influenced many, many artist not just in the pop genre. For example his latest collaboration with Eminem shows that Eminem was influenced with the catchy, Pop sound. His music videos are always centered around Love and how that can effect people.In his music its very obvious he was influenced by folk music. This is the reason why in nearly all of his songs he uses his guitar. Ed Sheeran has made a numerous amount features peoples songs which also became hit. These include his collaboration with Taylor Swift. He also made a song with Eminem who according to Ed Sheeran was his goal which he wanted to achieve in lie. He also made a remix of his most famous song `Shape of You` with Stormzy which was performed at the BET awards.

Lastly in my soul section I have created my mood board around James Brown who have a nearly 50 years long career in which he influenced a number of genres, mainly soul music. I have included a picture of the poster of a movie that was made about him. In the movie they showed how his career and how it ended. I have also included a lot of pictures of his album covers which were very different each time.

In conclusion i have tried to make my mood board look  different for each of the genres.For each genre i had a different theme for example for rap, i have used a lot of pictures of inspirations for the artist. For soul i have included a lot of pictures of his album covers. My overall opinion is that my favourite mood board is for genre as i believe that was the most colorful.


  1. This is a brilliant blog post. Great use of creative media such as Prezi. All you need to do is check your SPAG. I can see a lot of little 'i's throughout your blog post write up!

    1. Thank you, I will check my SPAG and correct it


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